In Vitro: Short Story Audio Clip

WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! (1)Alhamdulillah, I am blessed to have Sabina Khan, a great writer, for a critique partner. One of the biggest challenges we have when it comes to working together is our often conflicting schedules. However, this being the digital age, we managed to come up with a method—at least on my end—to share.

I often leave audio clips of my work for Sabina to listen to at a convenient time. She expressed to me how much she enjoyed listening to me read my work and constantly encouraged me to upload audio clips for my readers.  I was initially hesitant, but I decided to give it a try by reading the first part of the newest Layla Writes Love short story, In Vitro.

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New LWL Story-Sweet Love Bitter Fruit Prelude

Toni and Marcus are preparing for their second course of infertility treatments. The first one left them heartbroken and Toni an emotional wreck, so he is hesitant about doing another one, and his deep love for her makes it hard to say no.

Toni is just as anxious as Marcus, but her urge to be a mother makes her determined to forge ahead with her loving husband by her side.

Will they have success the second time around, or will a worse agony come their way?

In Vitro is a prelude short story to the soon-to-be-released Sweet Love – Bitter Fruit, the second novel in the Brothers in Law romance series.  Readers first met the main characters Marcus and Toni Kent in book one, My Way to You and fell in love with their love for each other. Continue reading “New LWL Story-Sweet Love Bitter Fruit Prelude”

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS – BWWM Short Story Collection

Call for Submission

Why Short Stories?

Some readers thrive on short stories, microfiction and flash fiction. They’ve been a staple of literature for centuries.

Short stories also offer authors opportunities to tell a tale that may not be necessarily long or involved enough to fill the pages of a novel.  Writing a short story can also help hone writing skills (sometimes it’s harder to tell a story within a small amount of page space) and share work with readers between the release of novellas and novels.

Continue reading “CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS – BWWM Short Story Collection”

BOOK REVIEW- Black Kyoto Love

51b5tuegxwlReview by Lyndell Williams
By Love Journey
$0.99, pp 64, Kindle

You swore to uphold the law, but he’s so fine and smooth, and you’re a sucker for those tats. What’s a cop to do when she gets the feels for a Yakuza bad boy? Black Kyoto Love by Love Journey is an intense romance involving police officer Eryka Miyamoto and Azukai family member Kentaro Yamazaki. Both throw caution to the wind to satisfy their unbridled passions for each other, but who out of the pair has the most to lose?
Continue reading “BOOK REVIEW- Black Kyoto Love”

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