The First Person to Believe in Me as a Writer? That Was Me


Who was the first person who ever believed in you?

We all have stories of people who’ve inspired, motivated, and given us that little push when needed. But today, I want to share a slightly different story with you. A story of self-belief, resilience, and a sprinkle of stubbornness. This is the story of the first person who believed in me as a writer.

Spoiler alert: it was me!

Now, don’t get me wrong, external validation is great. A pat on the back, a compliment, or even a simple “I loved what you wrote” can work wonders. But before any of those words of affirmation came my way, I had to face the blank page with just one person cheering me on – and yep, you guessed it, that person was yours truly.

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Building Confidence in Writing: My Dance with Imposter Syndrome

Every writer, whether a newbie just starting their journey or a seasoned author with several titles under their belt, has faced that daunting shadow: self-doubt. Today, I want to share a more personal facet of my writing journey – my tussle with imposter syndrome and how I’ve been learning to build confidence in my craft.

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Overcoming Writer’s Block: Healing Through the Power of Words


What’s the biggest problem you have in your writing right now?

As I sit down to write this blog post, I can’t help but feel a mixture of emotions. The journey I’ve been on, grappling with a problem that seemed insurmountable, has been both challenging and enlightening. You see, the biggest problem in my writing right now is actually writing itself. It’s not a lack of ideas, nor a shortage of creativity – it’s something much deeper that I’ve had to confront head-on: writer’s block born from years of toxicity and emotional abuse.

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Breaking the Ice of Love: My Favorite Way to Connect in New Romances

#openbook #bloghop #breakingtheice #romance #romancebooks

What is your favorite icebreaker (meetings, parties, dates, socials)?

Meeting someone new in a romantic context can be both thrilling and nerve-wracking. The first moments of interaction often set the tone for the entire relationship. I want to share my favorite icebreaker when meeting a potential love interest. Whether at meetings, parties, dates, or social gatherings, this approach has consistently helped me connect on a deeper level and create memorable experiences. Did it help me find my Mr. Forever? No, but it did help me find my Mr. 31-Year Marriage. So, let’s check it out.

Before delving into the specific icebreaker, it’s crucial to understand the underlying philosophy: authenticity. Being genuine and authentic to yourself is the key to forming a meaningful connection. People can sense when someone is sincere, creating a foundation of trust and comfort right from the start.

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The Power of a Works In Progress (WIP) Notebook: A Writer’s Best Friend

As a writer, I often juggle multiple ideas, projects, and characters in my mind. It can be challenging to keep track of everything, leading to frustration and even abandoning potentially great works. This is where a Works In Progress (WIP) notebook comes in handy.

A WIP notebook can be a great way to keep track of all your creative ideas and projects. Allowing you to dump your thoughts onto paper (or digital page) without worrying about perfect grammar or structure. You get the jumble of ideas out of your head and onto paper so they can be fleshed out later.

There are numerous benefits to maintaining a WIP notebook. Let’s explore some of them and give practical advice on effectively using a WIP notebook.

Read more: The Power of a Works In Progress (WIP) Notebook: A Writer’s Best Friend Continue reading “The Power of a Works In Progress (WIP) Notebook: A Writer’s Best Friend”

From Dreams to Pages: My Journey as an Author

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What is your author origin story? (Or make one up.)

Every writer has a unique origin story, a tale of how they discovered their passion for penning stories and the winding path that led them to become an author. Today, I am thrilled to share my author’s origin story—a journey filled with inspiration, challenges, and unwavering determination.

As far back as I can remember, I was captivated by stories. Bedtime tales, fables, and books opened doors to enchanting worlds, stirring my imagination and filling my young mind with endless possibilities. The magic of words weaved by authors had me daydreaming about becoming one myself, with aspirations of conjuring my own realms of wonder and intrigue.

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Handling Texting in Books and Short Stories: Navigating the Uncharted Waters


In today’s digital age, texting has become an integral part of communication for many people, including characters in books and short stories. However, representing texting in written narratives presents a unique challenge for writers, as there are no standardized rules or guidelines for this relatively new form of communication. In this blog post, we’ll explore the various methods and considerations for indicating texting in your writing, allowing you to make informed decisions that best suit your narrative style.

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Exploring Nature’s Wonders

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A field full of sunflowers on a bright morning? Or rolling hills on a clear full moon night?

No matter the scene we choose, one thing is for sure – life can be beautiful. Even amid struggle and pain, moments of joy can still be found if you take the time to appreciate them.

The impact of nature on a person’s mood, health, and overall well-being is profound and well-documented. Spending time in natural environments, whether lush forests, tranquil beaches, or serene parks, offers many benefits that nurture both the body and mind.

I just wrote an article in Haute Hijab about the benefits of nature for my healing journey.

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Navigating the Challenges of Writing on a Shared Computer: A Writer’s Guide to Finding Solace

As writers, our creative process thrives on solitude and uninterrupted moments of inspiration. However, the reality can be far from ideal, especially when attempting to write a book on a shared computer while kids eagerly wait to use it. The constant interruptions and pressure to finish quickly can hinder our creative flow and frustrate us.

Let’s explore the challenges of writing on a shared computer with kids vying for screen time and discover effective strategies to find solace amid chaos.

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5 Reusable Writing Systems for Authors: Sustainable Tools for Creative Expression

In an era where sustainability and eco-consciousness are gaining importance, authors need to consider the environmental impact of their writing tools. Reusable writing systems provide a sustainable alternative to disposable pens and paper, allowing authors to express their creativity while minimizing waste.

Let’s explore ten reusable writing systems that offer durability, versatility, and a greener approach to the writing process.

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Show & Tell: My Favorite Book Covers


Few things are more thrilling than seeing your creative endeavors come to life in the pages of a book. However, before readers delve into the captivating worlds we’ve crafted, the first thing that captures their attention is the book cover. A beautifully designed cover can enthrall and invite readers into our stories.

Selecting the perfect cover to highlight a book is an essential endeavor for an author.

There are a few elements to consider when choosing the ideal cover. Firstly, the title should be easily read across platforms. This includes consideration of font size, typeface selection, and color palette — all factors that will capture attention while remaining legible in different sizes and resolutions.

An eye-catching image is also integral to drawing readers’ focus. Whether an illustration or photograph depicting something from within your story or totally unrelated yet captivating imagery, your cover must stand out among other books on shelves or websites.

I’m excited to showcase five of my favorite book covers that hold a special place in my heart:

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5 Marketing Tips for Newbie and Experienced Published Authors


Most of us (or maybe all of us) struggle with marketing. What are your top 3 marketing tips?

New authors are often stunned to discover that in addition to writing a book, they will have to know must endeavor to get as many people as possible to learn about their story and want to buy it. Book marketing can be one of the most challenging things for any author who wants to get books to readers. The different platforms and demands for authors to know what to say and appeal to their audience may be daunting. Add the task of getting your work in front of as many eyeballs as possible, and you have a full-time job!

Marketing is an important aspect of being a successful author, but it doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. With a little effort and creativity, you can get your books to readers who will love them!

Here are my top five marketing tips for newbies and experienced published authors.

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Back To Pizza Basics


What toppings do you put on your pizza? Is pineapple a real pizza topping?

I was raised in a large family of four kids, so needless to say (but I’m going to anyway), the battle over pizza toppings remained a stable part of Friday night eating. My mother’s children had an expanse of tastes that made it necessary for her to have each of us take weekly turns to decide what would go on top of the tomato and cheesy goodness. When it was my turn, my brothers and sister groaned and complained to Ma that she was wasting a chance to have something new and different on pizza night.

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Cracking Open A Metaphor To Add Meaning To A Story

#openbook #bloghop #contemporaryromance #bestfriendsister #lawyerromance #interracial #ambw #bwam

Write about a metaphor you used in one of your books. What does it represent?

Metaphors can be a valuable literary device to integrate symbolism in their works that will activate readers’ imaginations and offer them a different way. By directly comparing two different things, authors can give qualities to the first thing through the use of the second. In this way, writers can “show” instead of “tell” important aspects of a story or character as well as convey an underlying message through the thematic use of a metaphor throughout the plot.

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Diverse Books Battle -5 Tips To Writing Inclusive Stories

Hey, romance addicts. Another week, another thought-provoking blog hop post. Let’s take a look at what we have this week.

Do you write diverse characters? If so, how do you avoid cultural insensitivity?

It’s interesting that this week’s blog hop question asks about diversity in writing. I spent the weekend fielding questions on social media, from white authors about including diverse characters in their books. It’s also ironic that the blog hop posing the question is not very diverse. As far as I know, I am the only contributing blogger who is identifies as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color). No, Italians and the Irish do not count. Let’s not go there. Anyway, onto my answer.

Of course, I write diverse books. just look at my covers.

As an author who identifies with multiple marginalized social intersections, I write to purposefully highlight a range of backgrounds and experiences in my characters. I think diversity is a stable part of literary expression for many BIPOC authors and that the main group challenged to understand the importance of diversity—and how to integrate into their work—is white authors.

Attempts to expand diversity in literature seem to present as a challenge and threat for authors who need to develop a greater appreciation for diverse literature and resist the cultural messaging that centers on whiteness.

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Unlimited Anything Creates Imaginary and Real Problems

Hey, romance addicts. I hope everyone is having a fabulous week and is geared up for the weekend! I am geared up for this week’s Open Book blog hop post. Let’s check it out. 

What do you wish you had an unlimited supply of?


A nice, theoretical question is the perfect way to end the week. We live in a world filled with limitations. Our world is shaped by boundaries, which ensure that there is a constant balance of imbalance. I could not think of one thing of which I would not like unlimited anything, because it would only exacerbate my inability to escape the constraints of my existence. I don’t want to seem pessimistic–well, maybe a little–but bear with me.

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My Favorite Literature: The Best Books I’ve Read

Do you have a favorite piece of literature? What is it and why is it your favorite?

Hey, romance addicts. I know it’s been a while since I’ve written a blog hop post, but I couldn’t get in front of the camera to do a video. So, I’m getting back to basics and doing what I do best, writing. Let’s do this!

I don’t have one favorite piece of literature. The literary world is far too expansive to settle on one text. However, some books that influenced and inspired me come to mind.

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Saying No to Save Yourself

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What would be the hardest thing for you to give up?

I recently had to give up the delusion that I could be everything for everyone.

I wear many hats. In addition to being a phenomenal romance author, I am a freelance writer, contributing to multiple platforms. I am also a terrific wife (my husband is a lucky man), mother of six , homeschooler, content editor and writing coach. A lot of stuff, right? Well, those are the things left after I did some soul searching and decided I was doing way too much.

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